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2021-03-24 · Orcel, que recientemente ha sido nombrado consejero delegado de UniCredit, formalizó en julio de 2019 su ofensiva legal contra Banco Santander al presentar una demanda tras la cancelación por Santander said it had learned through Orcel's lawsuit that in January he started to record private conversations, without other parties' knowledge or consent. "This is a practice of dubious ethical and moral behaviour for someone who was potentially to become Santander's CEO and has ultimately confirmed that the board of directors' decision not to proceed with his appointment was right". Andrea Orcel, Ende Februar zum neuen Chef der italienischen Grossbank Unicredit ausgerufen, hat die spanische Grossbank Santander verklagt, weil sie ihm trotz eines gültigen Arbeitsvertrags im 2019-07-03 · Andrea Orcel’s compensation claim for €100m seems designed to force Santander to settle out of court. Photograph: Olivia Harris/Reuters Wed 3 Jul 2019 14.58 EDT Jetzt hat es die Unicredit bestätigt: Die Chefsuche der Italiener endet beim derzeit arbeitslosen Andrea Orcel, dessen jüngster Topjob bei Santander in letzter Minute spektakulär platzte. Oct.02 -- Banco Santander SA Chairman Ana Botin talks about hiring Andrea Orcel as the new chief executive officer. She speaks on "Bloomberg Markets." Orcel dejó formalmente UBS el 30 de septiembre de 2018.

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Cento sono quelli richiesti da Orcel per la mancata designazione a ceo da parte del Banco e 52, secondo il Financial Times, quelli che l’istituto spagnolo avrebbe offerto al manager per guidare la società. Santander’s statement said that although UBS did end up agreeing to pay Mr Orcel €13.7m in bonus and deferred pay, the banker refused to accept that should be deducted from his Santander When Orcel’s appointment was announced by Santander the bank promised to pay “up to” 35 million euros of a 55 million euro package that Orcel was due to receive in future years from UBS. 2021-03-09 · A court hearing in a dispute between Italian banker Andrea Orcel and Santander has been postponed after the judge handling the case had to quarantine over contact with a person with COVID-19. Since last January, Orcel has cultivated his stellar network – but also spent several months deciding whether to try and get Botin and Santander to make good on their promise to hire him. A Madrid court will on April 12 begin hearing initial arguments in a $100 million euro ($111 million) lawsuit Orcel filed for fulfillment of contract. Orcel, who is set to start as CEO of UniCredit SpA, Italy’s No. 2 bank, in April, had claimed that Santander’s U-turn had upended his career. As the dispute escalated, Santander went on to accuse Orcel of “dubious ethical and moral behavior” by recording private conversations. 2 dagar sedan · Orcel presentó demanda contra Santander el 27 de mayo de 2019, admitida a trámite el 25 de junio de ese mismo año.

Nach einigen Monaten Bedenkzeit verklagte der Banker seine Beinahe-Arbeitgeberin auf 100 Millionen Euro, die ihm als Kompensation für entgangene Boni aus seiner UBS-Zeit und Lohn an der Spitze von Santander zugestanden hätten.

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Orcel is suing Santander for 112 million euros. A public hearing in the dispute is scheduled in Madrid on May 19. 2019-01-15 · Banco Santander SA reversed course on installing Andrea Orcel as its next chief executive officer after a standoff over tens of millions of dollars in deferred pay.

Santander orcel

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As the  Sep 14, 2020 MADRID — A Madrid court on Monday set for March 10 of next year the start of a trial between Italian banker Andrea Orcel and Spain's Santander  Sep 25, 2018 What will Andrea Orcel bring, and why did chairman Ana Botín turn to him? Andrea-Orcel-Santander-2018-780. Left to right: Andrea Orcel  13 Abr 2019 Tres meses después de que Santander abortase el fichaje del nuevo CEO, empiezan a emerger las verdaderas causas al margen de la  Feb 5, 2020 But some of the latest court filings from the Santander/Andrea Orcel case, which contain quite a lot of personal correspondence, suggest that  27 Ene 2020 Orcel pasará a la ofensiva en la vista de abril: podría pedir que se reproduzcan todas sus grabaciones y criticará que el banco no le ha pagado  Jan 18, 2019 Inside the shocking decision by Santander to terminate the former UBS investment bank head's job offer. 14 Sep 2020 Según ha podido saber Invertia, Banco Santander no ha solicitado la presencia para declarar de Orcel en el juicio de marzo "al considerar que  Jan 17, 2019 Andrea Orcel, 55, was expected to become chief executive of Santander, but on Tuesday Europe's biggest bank announced a U-turn over the  Jan 15, 2019 In a rare move Banco Santander has backtracked on its plan to hire Andrea Orcel from UBS as its new chief executive. Four months after the  Mar 9, 2021 Orcel, who has recently been appointed CEO of UniCredit, In July 2019, he formalized his legal offensive against Banco Santander by filing a  Jan 16, 2019 “It has now become clear that the cost to Santander of compensating Mr Orcel for the deferred awards he has earned over the past seven years,  19 Feb 2020 Sin embargo, esta es la última de una larga carrera judicial en la que Andrea Orcel se verá con el Santander en el juicio que se celebrará el día  Jan 16, 2019 Banco Santander cancels its appointment of Andrea Orcel as CEO because it can't afford $80m in compensation for leaving his UBS job. Jan 16, 2019 Andrea Orcel quit his job at UBS before confirming the Santander appointment— an unusual move.

Cuando Orcel abandonó repentinamente UBS, su contrato de trabajo incluía una remuneración variable valorada en $ 21.3 millones (€ 18.5 millones). Santander compró su contrato y pagó a Orcel esta remuneración como parte de su bono de inicio de sesión el 19 de octubre de 2018. Not only that, Orcel offered to cut the bill to Santander of paying part of the compensation owed to him by UBS from slightly over €52.0m to roughly €35.0m. El Santander procedió al nombramiento sobre la base de una "estimación razonada" del coste. El consejo de administración del Santander decidió no seguir adelante con el nombramiento de Andrea Orcel como consejero delegado casi cuatro meses después de anunciarlo al considerar inasumible tener que hacer frente en su totalidad al bonus en diferido que se había comprometido a abonarle UBS Andrea Orcel y Banco Santander ya tienen lista la artillería legal para el juicio que arranca el próximo 13 de abril.Tanto el banquero italiano como la entidad de la que estuvo a punto de ser Banco Santander verzichtet überraschend darauf, Andrea Orcel als neuen CEO der spanischen Gruppe einzusetzen.
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Andrea-Orcel-Santander-2018-780. Left to right: Andrea Orcel  13 Abr 2019 Tres meses después de que Santander abortase el fichaje del nuevo CEO, empiezan a emerger las verdaderas causas al margen de la  Feb 5, 2020 But some of the latest court filings from the Santander/Andrea Orcel case, which contain quite a lot of personal correspondence, suggest that  27 Ene 2020 Orcel pasará a la ofensiva en la vista de abril: podría pedir que se reproduzcan todas sus grabaciones y criticará que el banco no le ha pagado  Jan 18, 2019 Inside the shocking decision by Santander to terminate the former UBS investment bank head's job offer.

Neither Orcel nor Botin were in court for Monday's UBS había accedido a pagarle 13,7 millones, pero Orcel se negó a que eso sirviese para reducir el coste de su nombramiento, aseguró el Santander en un comunicado en julio de 2019.
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In September 2018, Santander, one of Europe's biggest banks, tweeted a video of its incoming new chief executive, an Italian investment banker named Andrea Orcel. Depicting a meeting with the The Board of Santander made the decision to appoint Andrea Orcel in September 2018. In light of his seniority, along with regulatory, legal and contractual considerations, an early announcement of the appointment was necessary, subject to the usual conditions, including a six-month garden leave.

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Nel 2004, Orcel ha avviato l'acquisizione da parte della banca spagnola Santander della controllata britannica Abbey National, espandendo le operazioni bancarie nel Regno Unito con un accordo del valore di 15,56 miliardi di dollari (13,8 miliardi di sterline).